David Sanders

David Sanders is the CTO of Grander Mortgage Capital LLC. David is also the Director of Technology of Residential Mortgage Solution LLC. Mr. Sanders is a senior executive with over eighteen years’ experience providing leadership as a senior executive within the Information Technology arena. Prior to joining RMS, Mr. Sanders was senior executive on staff as a Chief Technology Officer of Vital Assets Inc, with responsibility for Information Technology Management. David has a multi-disciplined approach as a cross-functional integrator providing direct experience to solutions. A leader in creating broad based comprehensive business solutions. Directs large-scale projects within dynamic multi-task environments. Skilled at evaluating results and adjusting outcomes. Experienced in coordinating divergent factions into a well-organized harmonious operation. Knowledgeable about technologically related management issues, quantitative analysis, process, and assembling milestones. Manages intellectual property and core competencies within the organization. Involved in the leadership of consulting projects in several of the largest organizations in North America, including IBM, Oracle, and NASA. As Chief Technology Officer, David is the chief liaison between the customer team and the technical team, ensuring technical and budgetary missions are achieved.