Curtis Whitaker

Curtis is the Co-Founder of Grander through GIMH Holdings. Curtis began his career working with Economist, Dr. Donald Ratajczak, Director of the Economic Forecasting Center, where he assisted in The National Economic Forecast and the State forecast. Following, he then worked with SunTrust Bank (NYSE: STI) for 15 years, in SunTrust’s Portfolio Administration Department, assisting in the formulation and implementation of investment strategies for the $9 billion portfolio of SunTrust’s affiliate banks. In addition, he worked on the mortgage trading desk prior to becoming an institutional salesperson. Curtis remained a Director in Institutional Sales assisting financial institutions with portfolio and balance sheet recommendations for numerous years and became Managing Director of SunTrust Capital Markets. Curtis was instrumental in initiating the Trust Preferred effort at SunTrust where his group issued more than 2.5 billion in Trust Preferred Securities for financial institutions where they were a leader in the industry. In 2008, Mr. Whitaker joined FHN Financial (NYSE: FHN) as Senior Vice President, assisting financial institutions implementing portfolio and balance sheet strategies to help maximize earnings and mitigate interest rate risk. Curtis received his BBA from Georgia Southern University and his MBA in Corporate Finance from Georgia State University.