Aric Crouch

Grander Investing Mockups f_Grander Placeholder

Aric Crouch serves as a Managing Director at Grander Investment Management and is responsible for raising capital, developing, and maintaining relationships with Banking Institutions and Agency Issuers, and expanding Grander Investment Management’s asset base of Agency Mortgage Servicing Rights and other related assets. During his 15-year tenure at Texas Capital, he built a $3.5 Billion Specialty Finance division to provide leverage/capital to Mortgage Banking Institutions and Funds/REITS to acquire and hold Agency MSRs, HECM loans, and other RE products. In addition, Aric Agented and maintained nearly $1 billion in MSR-Secured Syndicated facilities with 30+ banking institutions. Mr. Crouch has 20 years of experience in Banking and Real Estate and earned his Bachelor of Business in Finance and Marketing from Baylor University